
Saturday, March 8, 2014

This ones for you.

As far as being a Mom, I have done about every combination of Mommy-hood.  Well, except for the "Have a nanny so I can lunch with my friends and be part of the Junior League" version.  Yeah, that I haven't done...hmm...maybe I need to pursue that one! SO, besides the latter statement, I've hit most combinations

  • Stay at Home mom with infants
  • Work from home mom with infants
  • Stay at home Mom with school age kids
  • Work from home mom with school age kids
  • Stay at home mom with both Infant and School age kids
  • Work part time with kids in preschool
  • Should I go on?
  • I think you get it.

But these past 2 years I have been humbled, in awe of and honored to be part of the elite group of Working Moms.  By that, I mean, "Monday - Friday 30+ hours a week" working moms.  Before you get your...ahem, all worked up (I see that eye roll)...let me remind you that I have sat in the shoes of being IRRATE when people asked me "What do you do all day?" as a stay at home mom.  BUT, this, is a whole new level.

SO, Here's to you...working moms!  Because I have learned the following things:

When You are a Full Time Working Mom:

  • Mommy Guilt has a whole new meaning
  • There are still 18 loads of laundry waiting for you after work
  • Housework has to be done in a matter of 3 hours a day
    • At the same time Homework, cooking, grocery shopping, nail painting, shaving, haircuts,extra-curricular, bonding and relaxing
  • You have to wake up a whole hour earlier so that YOU can get a shower and dressed before your kids do (this is so that there is enough hot water!)
  • You have no idea about current events, because the days of watching the Today show are over
  • When your son calls and tells you he forgot his lunch-trombone-project-money-etc. It's not a simple as "running it up there"
  • Did I mention the Mommy Guilt, especially for not being able to attend EVERY program, etc. (why does it seem there are 3 EVERY week?!)
  • Crock Pot meals are a staple (Yuck...yuck I say)
  • Your Pintrest boards area  combination of a Fantasy World and Freezer Meals and Weekly Planners
  • You have learned to turn the 5 minute drive to the CarPool line into a Complete Costume Change!
  • Your bar for cleanliness in your home has been lowered...quite a bit.
  • Your closets are NEVER to be looked no one
  • You are a warrior
  • You are amazing
  • You are the perfect Mom for you children
  • You Don't have to do it all
  • You don't have to be perfect
  • You WILL make it
  • You are not alone
  • You are not "Sub-Par"

I am HONORED to be counted among the ranks.  I had no idea what kind of brain space it would take to think about not only what my kids wear each day, but what I wear each day!  (Did I wear this yesterday?) Why oh why, did I take for granted the days I wore sweats until 2 pm?

I am HUMBED by the women who went before me, who were working moms before it was "acceptable".  Before childcare existed or was affordable (I know, it's not affordable, but it's better).

Stay at Home moms, you don't have it easy either, I know that.

But working moms...this one's for you.

You are loved.